Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Original Fashion Designer, or why we wear the shirt?

We think about why we wore clothes today - warm only common sense to protect natural, cultural expectations. But the Bible does not give us a clue about why we wear clothes?

Ken Ham is a well-known Biblical creationist, teaching the first eleven chapters of Genesis provide the foundation for the principles of Christianity. So that is the beginning of this book to find answers to our questions, "Why us. wearing clothes? ".

At first.

Believers in Christ we have the story of the building drop by our clear focus words mean in Genesis Sat, we know that in Chapter 1 and 2 God created the heavens and the earth of man from dust and breathed. his nostrils the breath of life, will not be good for people to be alone and create a suitable helper for Adam m. Adam said "now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she would have. She called for women from the men.

I want to highlight a verse Genesis 2:25: "Male and his wife were bot! h naked and humiliating them feel no.".

We can think of situations: Adam and completed by the end of Creator and creation in perfect condition. They have no knowledge of what evil they walked with God, and communed with Him in the garden directly they had reason to be ashamed. or ashamed to be naked. What's bad about the situation.

I do not know how long Adam and old can enjoy these privileges, but there is genuine snake entered the picture and preyed on the innocence of Eve by enticing her to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. She then made Adam, joined together in sin.

This poor obstinate civil perfect relationship with God and their super-two of them opened and they realized they naked (Genesis 3:7). Shame with their knowledge. It makes sense that they must cover themselves.'s plan is to move them together to form an own aprons so their personal coverage. When the Lord and walk with them in the eveni! ng they are ashamed of. from Him they hid.

! Do you t hink he knew then what they do? They want to hear God speak and they say what they do to destroy them enjoy this wonderful association. This is so He has the right to the heart does not comment on the nature of their coverage. error of their sins, but rather to do with commitment. the penalty is immediately apparent.

Master Creator to the Master Designer.

Master Creator and Designer Master He became a clothing skin for Adam and older. You may say that they wear the same Designer! Here we see the first blood sacrifice as a sin or animals will be killed to make coverings for Adam and older. You agree that the most responsible means of translation clothing "in Gen. 3:21 shows pieces of clothing. at least cover the body from neck to knee. God's plan, unlike Adam and plans of old!

Devotions in the following we will explore more about clothing and fashion and what the Bible and other Christians have said about the way we dress. No! w I would like to ask a question all of us as women, women and young women. We will provide such an old, forbidden fruit offered by dressing in a manner that does not match the original plan Designer or not even that people are responsible for controlling our own temptations put in front of them to make what they want. They want not?

Pray for. "Your father knew that the hearts of people in this room each. You know innocence, purity is a sin. Please talk to us in language we can understand and show us how we can improve their offering. We women of this body, you create a draft. help us enjoy our time together learning how to use our creativity to honor you. We do custom work for you. in the name of Jesus' Amen.

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Source Article: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melissa_Duriga.
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